Page Layout

Main Home Page

On the first page, you will see a render of a car on a track on the left side with the speedometer. To the top right you will see a small window which shows the rear camera feed. Below that is split into 2 sides, on the left is the BMS data, and on the right is where you can time each lap (click start when the race begins and lap every time we make a lap around the track)

Page 2 Cameras

On the second page, you will see a grid with the rear camera on top, and left and right blindspot cameras. They may be a little wide, but to "unwiden" them simply tap on the camera you want to see, and it will be displayed in full screen. Tap it again to unwiden it.

Page 3

On the third page, there is the custom horn soundboard on the left, have fun with that if you want, and on the right is the questionably official AEV music playlist with a music player.

Page 4

On the fourth page, there are some settings such as WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. There are some basic things you can do here but frankly is probably not important related to the race.

Page 5 Debug Window

On the fifth and final page, you may see a lot of jibberish on the left, but this is the debug terminal, where you can see the logs of the software. This page isn't really meant for YOU to understand, but to us the developers, can help a lot. There is something important here though, which is the right half of the screen. Here you have a couple of buttons labeled "send data to a Google Sheet", "Restart BMS", "Restart GPS", and "Restart VPN" which do what their title states (on the software side of things). The VPN is used to get data across the track in real time, the BMS is well the battery management system, and the GPS is the GPS. There is also raw BMS debug data and raw BMS alerts data below.